Systems Thinking the Foundation of the New View
What is systems thinking and why is it important for health and safety improvement?
Identifying organizational assumptions and mental models that influence health and safety.
Drive Out Fear, Drive Up Safety, Five principles of systems thinking and workplace safety
Why Many Safety Improvement Initiatives Fail – Lack of Systems Thinking -- WATCH THIS VIDEO
This presentation is from a 1994 event hosted by Clare Crawford-Mason and Lloyd Dobyns to capture the Learning and Legacy of Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Russ knew Dr. Deming and speaks here about the difference between "continuous improvement" and "discontinuous improvement" as seen through the lens of systems thinking.
MIT 15.871 Introduction to System Dynamics, Fall 2013 View the complete course: Instructor: John Sterman Professor John Sterman introduces system dynamics and talks about the course. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at